Saturday, December 4, 2010

An Incredible Voyage

Outstanding sword fights, a dragon, a sea serpent, nasty pirates, and even a talking mouse.  That's what you get in Voyage of the Dawntreader, plus a whole lot more.  Voyage opens in theaters on December 10th, but I had the privilege of seeing a sneak preview a couple of weeks ago and it is fantastic.  It's an adventure movie fit for the whole family: lots of action but no gore and bad language.  It is entertaining, but it is not mere entertainment.

Based on C.S. Lewis book of the same name from The Narnia Chronicles, the film explores not just an "outside" adventure, but also plumbs the depths of human character, especially in relationship to temptation.  Without giving you a spoiler suffice it to say, that Voyage demonstrates time and again that often getting what we want leads to far less than we expected, and trouble besides.

Whether you are an adult, a teen, or child, Voyage rings true to the human experience and helps us understand that sometimes the most meaningful, and challenging, journeys in life are not a thousand miles away, but right inside of us.  Don't miss it!

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