Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hope Begins with You

I had the great privilege of attending the "Hope Begins with You" luncheon in downtown Orlando sponsored by the Community Food and Outreach Center.  It was an inspirational luncheon in support of an organization that seeks to bless people in need throughout the Orlando Metro region.

The focus of the organization is on the working poor who need a hand up rather than a hand out.  I heard that phrase-- a hand up not a hand out-- throughout the luncheon.  The keynote speaker was Susan Spracher of Spracher Wealth Management in Winter Park.  She described how her success in business was the result of an accumulation of hand ups offered by various people in her life.  And now, she is paying it forward.

The truth is all of us are the result of people giving us "hand ups" in our lives.  Sure, a lot of what we achieve in life is due to hard work on our part, but a lot of it has to do with other people believing in us, sometimes before we even demonstrated any promise at all.  That's what the Bible describes as grace or undeserved favor, and it was best demonstrated by God in Jesus Christ:
But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.
Romans 5:8 (NLT)

The luncheon today reminded me that I have been given "hand ups" far more often than I have recognized, and it is my job to pass those "hand ups" on to others.  To whom have you given a "hand up" recently?

If you're interested in finding out more about the Community Food & Outreach Center visit their website at:

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